Sunday, February 15, 2009

Let's Sing A Long with English Songs.....!

1. Alphabet Song

Y and Z

Now I've sung my ABC's
Next time won't you sing with me?

Wanna play the song? Click play button in the player below

Wanna download the song? Click the link below!
Download Alphabet song


There was a man who had a dog
And Bingo was his name-O
And Bingo was his name-O

Wanna play the song? Click play button in the player below

Wanna download the song? Click the link below!
Download bingo song

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Giant Potato Story

Dear All,
Do you still remember the Giant Potato story which I demonstrated in the class? Do you still remember what kinds of classroom activities that I did when I told the story to you all. If you are curious to know the complete script of the is the text:

The Giant Potato

Once upon a time there was a man called Mr. Fry. He loved potatoes. He ate potatoes for breakfast. He ate potatoes for lunch. He ate potatoes for afternoon tea. He ate potatoes for dinner.

One day, Mr. Fry got a parcel. It was from his brother in Peru. Inside the parcel there was a very strange potato. It was very SMALL. It was very ROUND. It was very YELLOW. There was a note in the parcel. It said:
'Plant this potato in a very big hole in your garden. Don't water it'
Mr. Fry was very excited. He went into his garden. he dug a very big hole in your garden. He planted the potato. The sun was shining. it was very hot. So Mr. Fry picked up a watering can and water the potato. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning and it started to rain. The rain poured down. Poured down. And the potato started to grow. It grew BIGGER and BIGGER and BIGGER. And the leaves started to grow. They grow WIDER and WIDER and WIDER. Mr. Fry looked at the enormous plant. He was very hungry. He thought enormous plant is the same with enormous potato. So he held the top of the plant and he pulled HARDER and HARDER and HARDER, but nothing happened.

So he called his wife, Mrs. Fry, to help. Mr Fry held the plant. Mrs. Fry held Mr. Fry. They pulled HARDER and HARDER and HARDER, but nothing happened.

So Mrs. Fry called her son, Peter, to help. Mr Fry held the plant. Mrs. Fry held Mr. Fry. Peter held Mrs. Fry.
They pulled HARDER and HARDER and HARDER, but nothing happened.

So Peter called his sister, Barbara, to help.
Mr Fry held the plant. Mrs. Fry held Mr. Fry. Peter held Mrs. Fry. Barbara held Peter. They pulled HARDER and HARDER and HARDER, but nothing happened.

So Barbara called the pet to help.
Mr Fry held the plant. Mrs. Fry held Mr. Fry. Peter held Mrs. Fry. Barbara held Peter. The pet held Barbara. They pulled HARDER and HARDER and HARDER, and suddenly, out come the potato. It was ENORMOUS. It was the biggest potato they have ever seen.

'I'm hungry', said Mr.Fry. 'What's for dinner?', 'Potatoes,' said Peter and Barbara

Well, that's the complete story of the GIANT POTATO. You can improvise or change some details of the story as you like. There are so many follow up activities that can be done after the students listen to the story interactively. Any Ideas??

The story was quoted from Teaching Children English - Vale and Feunteun

Friday, February 13, 2009

Old MacDonald Had A Farm

Dear Smart Guru...

As we have discussed in our class that song can be one of the interesting ways to motivate our students to learn english. Here with, I have Uploaded one of the most famous english song among children all over the world. You can download the song, get the flash cards and find the activities related to the song.

Click the play button to listen to Old MacDonald Song!

Old MacDonald song is one of the famous song among children in English Speaking Countries. It is also widely used in English classrooms all over the word. The song is so attractive and funny that make children love it. When dealing with songs, the activity is not just sing along with the whole class, but there are much more activities that can be used as the follow up activities. In this Blog, I have uploaded the song, the lyric, flash cards and also some worksheet for classroom activities. Hopefully it will be useful for you all.

If you want to download the song for your own usage, you can use this link: Download Song. And to sing along with your students, you can get the song lyric from this link: Song Lyric.

The followings are things that can be done in the classroom after you sing along with your students:
1. You can teach your students some vocabularies related to the Old MacDonald song by using these Mini Flash Cards
2. You can play crossword with your students by using this Worksheet
3. You can teach your students about number by using These Pictures
4. You can teach your students different animal sounds by using this Worksheet
5. and you can check your students vocabulary knowledge by using this Classroom Activity

So, by knowing the above-mentioned activities, it is expected that you can create a fun and interactive english class that make your students feel comfortable being in your classroom.

Enjoy the experience and don't forget to give your reflection on the comment column below.


The materials for this topic are compiled from:

Saturday, January 31, 2009

End of Semester

Dear all,

As the semester has come to an end and the EYL class has finished we are not going to meet face-to-face anymore. However, it doesn't mean that our journey of learning english and learning how to teach english has come to an end as well. For those who have great interest in the TEYL, you still can learn together with me and share your experiences here in this blog. Starting from now, I will try to keep updating this blog and posting some teaching techniques, strategies and infos that might be useful for you. You are also welcomed to contribute you ideas in this blog. Wish you enjoy your journey here....All the best!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Plagiarisme...Kejahatan Akademia...

Apakah itu Plagiarisme?

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), Plagiarisme adalah penjiplakan yang melanggar hak cipta - hak seseorang atas hasil tulisan, pendapat atau temuannya. Plagiat adalah pengambilan karangan atau tulisan seseorang dan menjadikannya seolah-olah tulisan tersebut adalah hasil pendapat sendiri. Pelaku plagiat disebut plagiator. Sedangkan bagi saya, plagiator tidak lebih dari para pelaku kriminal seperti halnya perampok, pencuri, atau pengutil.

Harus diakui, dalam hal plagiarisme ini, terdapat area 'abu-abu' yang dapat membingungkan seseorang untuk memutuskan mana yang termasuk kedalam plagiarisme dan mana yang tidak. Di beberapa negara (bukan di Indonesia), Plagiarisme bisa menjadi hal yang sangat serius yang mengakibatkan pelakunya dikeluarkan dari Civitas Akademika.

Sebagai seorang Akademia, anda diharapkan untuk membaca, mencari informasi lalu memformulasikan, merefleksikan informasi yang anda dapat dalam kata-kata dan sudut pandang anda sendiri. Jika anda menyelesaikan suatu tugas hanya dengan meng-copy materi yang ditulis oleh orang lain, itu berarti anda tidak memperlihatkan bahwa anda memahami sesuatu.

Harus Anda ketahui bahwa meng-copy sesuatu dari buku, koran, jurnal atau sumber lainnya adalah TIDAK DIBENARKAN. Kejahatan paling keji adalah ketika anda secara langsung meng-copy dari suatu sumber secara kata per kata. Walaupun anda hanya meng-copy satu frasa, satu kalimat, satu paragraf, apalagi seluruh karangan anda telah melakukan plagiarisme. Jika tulisan tersebut bukan milik anda, anda harus mencantumkan siapa penulis aslinya, sehingga pembaca bisa mengetahui mana yang hasil pemikiran anda dan mana yang bukan.

Sebagai seorang Akademia, anda perlu belajar bagaimana menulis dengan 'style' anda sendiri. Anda mungkin terpengaruh oleh penulis lain yang menurut anda cocok dengan jalan pikiran anda. Jadikanlah tulisan penulis lain sebagai model, bukan untuk dijiplak.

Sebagai pengajar yang harus menilai hasil tulisan anda, saya tertarik untuk melihat pemahaman ANDA terhadap materi pelajaran. Saya sama sekali tidak tertarik untuk menilai kemampuan anda meng-copy hasil tulisan orang lain.

Memahami sesuatu bukan sekedar mengulang sesuatu yang sudah anda baca atau dengar. menulis adalah latihan yang sangat berharga untuk menguji pemahaman anda terhadap satu topik. Kita baru akan yakin bahwa kita memahami sesuatu, sampai kita harus menuliskannya dan menjelaskannya dengan kata-kata dan pemikiran kita sendiri.

Tulisan ini hanya sekedar mengingatkan kita semua (termasuk saya) bahwa dunia akademis bukan hanya sekedar dunia copy-meng-copy hasil tulisan orang lain, tetapi adalah dunia dimana kita dapat menunjukan kemampuan kita untuk berpikir, menganalisa, merefleksikan ilmu yang kita dapat untuk kemudian mendemonstrasikan pemahaman KITA dalam bentuk yang lebih nyata.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Final Score

1 No NIM 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 10% 25% 25% 40%
3 1 0801625 100 80 75 65 75 B
4 2 0801626 100 90 85 80 86 A
5 3 0801627 100 80 80 70 78 B
6 4 0801628 100 80 75 85 83 B
7 5 0801629 100 80 80 60 74 B
8 6 0801630 100 80 65 60 70 B
9 7 0801631 100 90 85 85 88 A
10 8 0801632 100 80 80 70 78 B
11 9 0801633 100 80 85 80 83 B
12 10 0801634 100 80 75 85 83 B
13 11 0801635 100 70 85 70 77 B
14 12 0801636 100 80 85 70 79 B
15 13 0801637
16 14 0801638 80 70 85 70 75 B
17 15 0801639 90 80 90 75 82 B
18 16 0801640 100 80 85 85 85 A
19 17 0801641 100 80 80 80 82 B
20 18 0801642 100 80 90 95 91 A
21 19 0801643 100 80 70 60 72 B
22 20 0801644 100 80 65 70 74 B
23 21 0801645 100 80 85 75 81 B
24 22 0801646 100 90 65 85 83 B
25 23 0801647 100 80 70 70 76 B
26 24 0801648 100 75 80 85 83 B
27 25 0801649 100 80 80 80 82 B
28 26 0801650 100 80 75 80 81 B
29 27 0801651 100 90 85 60 78 B
30 28 0801706 100 80 75 70 77 B
31 29 0801707 100 80 85 80 83 B
32 30 0801708 100 80 85 60 75 B
33 31 0801709 90 70 90 70 77 B
34 32 0801710 100 80 75 70 77 B
35 33 0801711 100 80 85 75 81 B
36 34 0801712 100 80 85 85 85 A
37 35 0801713 100 80 80 60 74 B
38 36 0801714 100 80 80 75 80 B
39 37 0801715 90 80 90 60 76 B
40 38 0801716 100 80 85 75 81 B
41 39 0801717 90 80 85 75 80 B
42 40 0801718 100 90 70 80 82 B
43 41 0801719 100 70 90 95 88 A
44 42 0801720 100 80 95 80 86 A
45 43 0802066 100 80 90 60 77 B
46 44 0802067 100 90 90 70 83 B
47 45 0802068 100 80 65 75 76 B
48 46 0802069 100 80 75 75 79 B
49 47 0802070 100 90 90 75 85 B
50 48 0802071 100 90 75 80 83 B
51 49 0802072 100 80 65 50 66 C
52 50 0802073 100 90 80 95 91 A
53 51 0802098 100 80 70 80 80 B
54 52 0802099 100 80 80 95 88 A
55 53 0802100 100 80 70 70 76 B
56 54 0802101 100 80 80 60 74 B
57 55 0803240 100 80 90 75 83 B
58 56 0803241 100 80 75 80 81 B
59 57 0803242 100 80 70 75 78 B
60 58 0803243 100 80 90 80 85 B
61 59 0803244 100 80 75 70 77 B
62 60 0803245 100 80 65 50 66 C
63 61 0803246 100 80 85 75 81 B
64 62 0803247 100 80 85 95 89 A
65 63 0803248 100 80 85 85 85 A
66 64 0803249 90 80 90 80 84 B
67 65 0803283 100 90 75 85 85 A
68 66 0803284 90 70 75 85 79 B
69 67 0803285 100 70 80 70 76 B
70 68 0803286 100 70 70 60 69 C
71 69 0803287 100 80 70 80 80 B
72 70 0803288 100 80 70 60 72 B
73 71 0803290 100 80 80 65 76 B
74 72 0803291 100 80 90 65 79 B
75 73 0803292 100 90 80 70 81 B
76 74 0803293 100 80 65 60 70 B
77 75 0803294 100 80 85 70 79 B
78 76 0803295 100 80 65 60 70 B
79 77 0803296 100 70 90 70 78 B
80 78 0803297 100 90 85 50 74 B
81 79 0803298 100 80 85 70 79 B
82 80 0803299 100 90 85 95 92 A
83 81 0803300 100 80 90 85 87 A
84 82 0804126 100 80 70 95 86 A
85 83 0804136 100 90 65 95 87 A
86 84 0804453 100 80 70 65 74 B
87 85 0804548 100 80 70 60 72 B
88 86 0804711 100 90 65 80 81 B
89 87 0805299 100 80 70 90 84 B
90 88 0805364 100 80 70 50 68 C
91 89 0805374 100 80 80 60 74 B
92 90 0805403 100 80 80 60 74 B
93 91 0805892 100 80 85 70 79 B
94 92 0806163 100 80 65 80 78 B
95 93 0806669 100 80 80 75 80 B
96 94 0808817 100 80 85 60 75 B
97 95 0808991 60 70 50 BL
99 Note
100 1 Attendance
101 2 Reflection and Report Paper
102 3 Presentation and Daily Performance
103 4 Essay
104 5 Total
105 6 Final Score